Posted on October 12, 2016 |
Very happy to announce that the exciting collaboration with Tina Nordström and Ekelund continues. A cozy autumn- and christmas collection has recently been launched.
Read more about the collection at or order from

Posted on October 5, 2016 |
Was extremely proud to represent Scandinavian Pattern collection at the Swedish embassy in Tokyo to talk about the exhibition UNIK.
The exhibition is a Sashiko project, where me and other Scandinavian designers have interpreted Scandinavian places and phenomenon in Japanese Sashiko (a form of decorative stitching).

Posted on January 20, 2016 |
I am happy to announce the launch of Tina Nordström textile collection. A unique collaboration between me, the popular TV chef Tina Nordström and Ekelund, Sweden’s oldest weaving mill.
Kitchenware and the pepper cellar of Tinas´s grandmother inspired me to the patterns in Tina Nordström´s new textile collection. A collection with a unique range of motifs and products. In addition to kitchen classics like tea towels, dish cloths and table runners the collection also features plastic rugs, blankets, trays, sofa cushions and much more.
Check out to see a film about the design process and Ekelund´s factory in Horred
Dowload high-resolution images from the collection.
Nu lanseras Tina Nordströms textila kollektion. Ett unikt samarbete mellan mig, den folkkära kocken Tina Nordström och Ekelund.
Läs mer om kollektionen på eller ladda ner högupplösta bilder från kollektionen.

Tina Nordström Textile Collection

Posted on December 18, 2015 |
Snart är det dags för FORMEX mässan och många av er har hört av sig med frågor efter att mässans program publicerats. Tyvärr kan jag inte berätta mer just nu än att det är väldigt spännande saker på gång. Kom och träffa mig och Tina på FORMEX i januari så får ni veta mer.
> Läs mer på
Exciting news! Come visit me and Tina at FORMEX in January 2016 to hear more about our collaboration.
> Read more…
Posted on November 8, 2015 |
Amazing feeling (and a great honour) to wake up and discover your name in VOGUE, together with Josef Frank, Stig Lindberg, Hanna Werning and my personal role model Astrid Sampe.
Read the article about the rich Swedish design.

Posted on October 15, 2015 |
Nice article today in Kristianstadsbladet.
“The large brick house in Hässleholm is not only designer Linda Svensson Edevints home but also her workplace. Among loved classics, inherited furniture and flea market finds, she finds inspiration.”
> Read the entire article (in Swedish)

Posted on September 21, 2015 |
Exciting project in pipeline with the Japanese company Askul.
Posted on January 17, 2015 |

Posted on January 15, 2015 |

The great collaboration with Ekelund Weavers continues and I am proud to present some new spring and summer patterns.
Posted on November 23, 2014 |

If you have not already done all your Christmas shopping, you can do it here! Now I open my own webshop with products in my name. You can also see where you can buy all my other products I’ve done for external companies. I start small and will fill up with new products eventually.
At the moment it is only possible to order if you have a Swedish shipping address. If you live outside of Sweden, and would like to buy any of the products, please contact me.
To the web shop